Companies will be able to test and improve quality properties of AI systems in the new hub. This will help to improve trust in AI applications and ensure that the technologies are in line with the European Value System.
The Hessian government and the VDE (German Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies) have opened the first AI Quality & Testing Hub (AIQ) in Germany in Frankfurt am Main.
The AI Quality & Testing Hub will advise companies and organisations on the topic of "AI quality". This will be complemented by the development of coaching and training offers. Furthermore, the creation and licensing of quality-assured test and training data sets for AI is planned, with which the results of algorithms can be checked in the test run. The development and leasing of simulation environments for testing AI systems (for example, for autonomous vehicles) is also planned.
Here is the link to the AIQ website:
More on the topic can be found here on //next: Artificial intelligence: Can we trust it?
Text: Kristina Tewes
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