AI & Robotics

Conversational AI: Hype or Disruption?

You don't have any plans for Monday, June 5, and are in Berlin or the surrounding area? The ERGO Innovation Lab invites you to a stimulating panel discussion and networking event about AI chatbots and their impact on the insurance industry.

Factory Görlitzer Park in Berlin Factory Görlitzer Park in Berlin

Our colleagues have managed to bring together experts from Microsoft, Merantix AI Campus and McKinsey to discuss the latest developments in Conversational AI and Large Language Models (LLMs), explore their potential impact on the insurance industry - and find out whether these are really game-changers or rather just buzzwords.

The event will take place on Monday, June 5, starting at 6:00 p.m. at Factory Görlitzer Park, Lohmühlenstraße 65, 12435 Berlin, more precisely: in the McKinsey Experience Studio on the 1st floor. There you will have the opportunity to network with industry professionals and gain valuable insights into the future of insurance. So don't miss this exciting event, places are limited!

Speakers will be:

Mark Klein - ERGO (Chief Digital Officer)

Jens Hansen - Microsoft (EMEA Leader Data & AI)

Khaled Rifai - McKinsey & Company (Partner)

Hendrik Remigereau - Merantix AI Campus (Founding Director)

Carolin Gabor - Investor


18:00 - 18:30: Opening Doors / Welcome Drinks and Food

18:30 - 19:00: Inspirational Keynote by Nicolas Konnerth - Head of Conversational AI / ERGO

19:00 - 20:00: Panel Discussion “Conversational AI - Hype or Disruption for Insurances?

20:00 - 20:30: Q&A

20:30 - 22:00: Networking / Drinks

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