New Mobility

What car insurance do drivers need when they don't own a car? 

Here on //next, we frequently report about the trend to no longer purchase cars but to subscribe to them or to use them in car sharing. But what is the best way to insure such alternative and promising mobility concepts? A guest article about ERGO Mobility Solutions in the renowned "Forbes" magazine provides answers.


One thing seems certain: For the next generation of modern, tech-savvy drivers, owning a car no longer tends to be a status symbol. And that's not all: these people are also much more environmentally aware than previous generations and are also used to simple solutions when buying products and services - so they also expect insurance and car rental at the click of a mouse, if possible.

ERGO has spotted this trend early on and positioned itself accordingly by founding ERGO Mobility Solutions (EMS) to help shape the mobility of the future. EMS CEO Karsten Crede explains this strategic step as follows:

In the following guest article for "Forbes", Karsten Crede reveals how ERGO wants to help shape the mobility of the future, which cooperations we have entered into with car manufacturers, dealers and rental companies as well as with many partners from related industries - and why we have even founded our own Mobility Technology Center (MTC) for this purpose:

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