
More and more people are using digital services

Digitization in Germany is continuing on an upward trend - at least that is what the D21 Digital Index, which has just been presented, shows. The index value collected for this purpose is 60 out of a possible 100 points (up two points on the previous year). This shows: The use of digital applications and services increased significantly in 2020 - both in private life and at work, especially in office activities.

For eight years now, the D21 Digital Index has been collecting answers to various questions about how people deal with digitization: How high is Internet usage overall and mobile, which devices are used? Which digital applications and social media do people in Germany use - and how often? How competent are they in navigating the Internet, for example, in terms of security, evaluating sources, creating their own content, etc.? Are people willing to acquire new digital know-how themselves and do they see themselves more as winners or losers in digitization?

In addition, the study addresses different current topics each year. The main topics in 2020 are:

Digital working: Facets of mobile and flexible working, especially in Corona times, and attitudes toward the digital world of work.

Digital education: people's experiences with digital education and basic attitudes toward digitization in education from the perspective of the respective stakeholders in education

Digital health: acceptance of digital treatment options and their use during the Corona pandemic

With an index score of 60 points, German society as a whole has a medium level of digitization according to the study. The differences among the population groups are large: The generation of 14 to 29-year-olds has a high digitization score of 73 index points, while the generation of over 70-year-olds has an index of only 36. Non-working people have a significantly lower score of 48 index points than working people with an index of 69. 

The D21 Digital Index is a study by Initiative D21, conducted by Kantar and sponsored by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. The complete study is available here:

Das Lagebild zur Digitalen Gesellschaft

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