Imagine being able to download 142 hours of Neftlix videos onto your smartphone - per second! Sounds like the future? It is, but this future is supposed to be reality here in Germany by 2030 at the latest: 6G is the name of the mobile phone standard that is supposed to make data transfer rates of 400 gigabit/s possible with enormously low latency times. We first reported on 6G in 2021, and now it's time for an update. And that update comes in the form of a Handelsblatt article that takes us to Japan - the pioneering nation for this mobile communications standard of the future.
As early as 2025 at the World Expo in Osaka, the Japanese technology group NTT wants to present the prototype for a 6G network. According to Handelsblatt, this represents "a technological quantum leap": 6G networks are supposed to be able to transmit 100 times more data than 5G networks, which are currently still being expanded worldwide. The editorial team quotes Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam from the University of Sydney with the vivid comparison: This bandwidth would be enough to download 142 hours of Netflix videos in the best resolution per second. In addition, the delay in data transfer, the so-called latency, is supposed to drop from a few milliseconds with 5G networks to 100 microseconds in the final expansion stage.
Japan's government sees 6G as an opportunity to rebuild the country as a leading power in network technology. According to Handelsblatt, one possible use case is the control of robots by means of nerve impulses, which will be possible virtually in real time thanks to the low latency and enormous bandwidth. But read for yourself (in German):
Bundesanzeiger of 25 August 2023: Guideline for the funding of projects on the topic of "End-to-end security in the hyperconnected world" within the framework of the Federal Government's research framework programme on IT security "Digital. Secure. Sovereign."
Text: Ingo Schenk
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